Mental Health is Everyone's Business

ephoria is the AI powered solution for your workplace health promotion.


Dashboard for workplace health promotion

What is the company's well-being state? Which sectors of your workplace health promotion require attention and measures? Our dashboard answers these important questions in real-time while protecting the privacy of all users.

Strengthen your team with our innovative, AI-powered Mental Health App


Evidence-based Solution

Users create so called «Quests» and can instantly start with their challenges like for instance stress or anxiety with methods of the solution focused short-term-therapy. AI supports the user to quickly achieve improvement and to measure progress.


Chat with AI Coach

The user can choose one out of three Mentors with different personalities. They are trained to give the user helpful advice and proven exercises. Also, the Mentors keep an emotional diary and remember past conversations.



In the Library the user finds helpful resources and tools centered on psychological well-being which is accessible at any time. The user can keep track of progress, boost skills and work on personal education.

30% of employees in Switzerland feel emotionally exhausted1

Promoting mental health is an important field of action in corporate health management. Healthy and motivated employees are more productive, more resilient and have fewer absences.

WHP with ephoria offers numerous advantages:

  • Anonymous and low-threshold access to immediate psychological help
  • Sick days are reduced by up to 25%
  • Easy to implement
  • Usage-based pricing

Swiss Quality

Highest security in data protection and tailored to local needs. No compromises on privacy.

400% ROI

Organizations supporting mental health of employees see a return of $4 for every dollar invested.2


Monitor the adoption rate and make mental health accessible anonymously and securely via a company-wide QR code.

ephoria is developed in close collaboration with ZHAW and is supported by the Prevention in Healthcare Project Funding.

